BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 18 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
18-Sep-24 Made In Malaysia
(7:00 PM)
Strings of Heritage: The Sounds of the Sape
Matthew Ngau Jau, Sape performer, maker and teacher
05-Jul-23 HerVantage
(11:00 AM)
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Belle Sisoski, Singer, Songwriter, & Producer
06-Dec-21 Everyone's A Critic
(7:30 PM)
Everyone’s A Critic - Asli - Resonance in Our Roots
Dhinesha Karthigesu, poet
25-Feb-21 Live & Learn
(3:00 PM)
Roads To Our Heritage
Alena Murang, Musician/Artist | Awangku Huzriuden Bin Pg Mahmuddin (Ojie) (Stonebay) | Richael Lawrence Gimbang (Estranged)
20-Jan-21 The Pulse
(10:00 PM)
Resurgence of Dangdut Music?
Tommy Pratomo, Senior Manager of International Marketing (Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia)
18-Oct-18 Bila Larut Malam
(12:00 AM)
Etnomusikologi 101 - Mengenal Hubungan antara Muzik dan Budaya
Lawrence Ross, Akademi Pengajian Melayu, Universiti Malaya
04-Oct-18 Bila Larut Malam
(12:00 AM)
Di Mana Irama Malaysia dalam Muzik Kontemporari Sekarang?
Ali Johan
11-Oct-17 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Sanmaarga – Celebrating Light & Life this Deepavali
Bhuma Pranjothy Manoharan, Temple of Fine Arts | Devie Neithiyar, vocalist
05-Sep-17 Evening Edition
(6:00 PM)
Waris Road Boogie
Izzat Majeed | Noor Fatima
17-Jan-17 HerVantage
(1:30 PM)
HerVantage - Malaysian Women Composers
Jessica Cho | Isabella Pek
11-Aug-16 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Double in Dvitham
Achyuthan Sashidaran Nair, violinist | Kumar Karthigesu, sitar player
03-Aug-16 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Canadian Throat Singers and Dancers
Kathy Kettler, singer | Karin Kettler, singer
18-Feb-16 Front Row
(2:30 PM)
Lifting Music with Traditional Chinese Instruments
Sara Heng Xi Ying, WAU! Ensemble
03-Feb-16 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Melding World Folk Music
Andy Teirstein, Arts professor, musician, composer | Andy Teirstein, Arts professor, musician, composer
11-Dec-15 Front Row
(2:30 PM)
Review of ‘Becoming King’
Bilqis Hijjas, MyDance Alliance | Joseph Gonzales, choreographer
09-Dec-15 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Preserving Mak Yong
Zamzuriah Zahari, Performer | Faridah Merican, Producer

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Listen now : BFM 89.9 -- The Business Station

Today’s Shows

10:00 AM

Pick Of The Pops

(REPEAT) Patrick Teoh curates a selection of the biggest hits from the 60s to the 80s; Patrick Teoh

12:00 PM

Bar None

(REPEAT) Dive into the world of competitive tag with Christian Devaux, founder of World Chase Tag; Christian Devaux, Founder & CEO, World Chase Tag

1:00 PM

Ringgit & Sense

(REPEAT) Financial content creator doitduit discusses travel budgeting for 2025; HY Tan, Stock Broker and Financial Content Creator

1:30 PM

The Property Show

(REPEAT) Dive into sustainability in property development and urban planning

2:00 PM

Cruise Control

(REPEAT) A review of the brand new Vespa GTV 300; Daniel Fernandez, Managing Editor,

3:00 PM

Best of Enterprise

(REPEAT) Unlock entrepreneurial growth with effectual thinking with Prof Dr Saras Sarasvathy; Professor Dr Saras Sarasvathy, Professor, University of Virginia Darden School of Business

4:00 PM

The Bigger Picture

(REPEAT) Author Kishore Mahbubani on the Asian Century, ASEAN, & World War III; Kishore Mahbubani, Author, Living the Asian Century

5:00 PM

TED Radio Hour

6:00 PM

Earth Matters

(REPEAT) Geologist Dr Ruth Kiew dives into the history and wonders of Batu Caves; Dr Ruth Kiew, Botanist, Malaysian Cave and Karst Conservancy (MCKC) and Leader, Batu Caves Scientific Expedition | Dr Ros Fatihah Muhammad, Geologist & President, Malaysian Cave and Karst Conservancy (MCKC)

7:00 PM

Back To Back

(REPEAT) Journey through the decades long work of legendary trumpeter Miles Davis

8:00 PM

Track by Track

(REPEAT) A look at Miles Davis' iconic jazz record "Kind of Blue"

9:00 PM

The Selector

Interviews, mixes and exclusive live sessions from some of the UK's most exciting artists