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Who Do YOU Trust?

Iain Twine | Datuk Zainal Amanshah | Zainah Anwar

18-Feb-15 08:35

Who Do YOU Trust?

Edelman’s annual survey into the state of trust in key institutions of civil society is now into its 4th year in Malaysia. The 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer looks at what makes or breaks ‘trust and credibility’ across four key institutions: Governments, Businesses, Media, and NGOs. Melisa Idris delves into its findings.

Listen to the podcast to learn why less than half of Malaysians surveyed trust Government and Media, why the public seems to have lost a little faith in NGOs, and why Malaysian CEOs are now enjoying a resurgence of credibility, despite the low trust in business leadership globally.

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Tags:  edelman's trust barometergovernmentmediangosbusinesstrust

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