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Being a Woman in Science

Dr. Shohini Ghose, Wilfrid Laurier University

22-Nov-16 18:00

Being a Woman in Science

Off the top of your head, name some women scientists. Very likely, your answer would only be Marie Curie. We know Einstein, we know Tesla, and even the more contemporary ones like Michio Kaku and Neil deGrasse Tyson...all male scientists. Where are women's contributions in science and why are women scientists so unheard of? We get answers to those exact questions from theoretical physicist Shohini Ghose. She also gives us a 101 on what quantum physics is and about her experience of being a minority in the world of science.

Shohini Ghose is also the director of Laurier's Centre for Women in Science.

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Tags:  Evening EditionWomen ScientistWomen in ScienceQuantum PhysicsScienceShohini GhoseGender Stereotype

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