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Fatty Liver Kills

Prof Dr Chan Wah Keong , Consultant Gastroenterologist | Dr Vijayamalar Balasubramaniam, Malaysian Liver Foundation

20-May-15 16:05

Fatty Liver Kills

Our liver is a hardworking organ. Sitting above and close to our gut and intestines, the liver filters what our digestive systems absorb before releasing them into the rest of our body. How can we keep our liver healthy and prevent diseases such as hepatitis and fatty liver disease?

We learn more from Prof Dr Chan Wah Keong, consultant gastroenterologist, and Dr Vijayamalar Balasubramaniam from the Malaysian Liver Foundation.

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Tags:  fatty liver diseaseheptatitisliver function testmetabolic syndromeessential phospholipidssupplementstatindetoxification

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