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Under the Stars: Zero Waste Festival

26-Sep-22 15:00

Under the Stars: Zero Waste Festival

How can Malaysians normalise sustainable living practices, and aim for a zero waste way of life? With lots of help of course, especially from the good folks at Zero Waste Malaysia, who have been championing this environmentally-friendly lifestyle, while showing proof that it's achievable. They are set to present their 3rd Zero Waste Festival after two years, called "Under the Stars: Zero Waste Festival, and we find out more from Zero Waste Malaysia's Khor Sue Yee (Co-founder and Director) and Jasreel Lim (Head of Finance & Business Development).

Image credit: Zero Waste Malaysia

Produced by: Juliet Jacobs

Presented by: Juliet Jacobs

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Categories:  environmentLaw/Activism

Tags:  Khor Sue Yee#zwmfest2022#zerowastemalaysia5 R'szero wastesustainable living#bersamakitazerowasteupcycling

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