Date | Programmes | Podcast Title | |
01-Oct-24 |
Morning Brief (8:30 AM) |
The Urgent Need To Address E-waste Management Issues
Mohamed el-Fatatry, CEO & Founder, Electronic Recycling Through Heroes |
30-Sep-24 |
Earth Matters (3:00 PM) |
Recovering, Recycling, and Reclaiming Refrigerants
Linda Wong, Deputy General Manager of Conformity & Compliance, Daikin Malaysia |
08-Aug-24 |
Open For Business (10:00 AM) |
Geomax’s Rubber Revolution? Turning Rejected Gloves into Footwear
Steven Ng, Founder and Director, Geomax Rubber |
31-Jul-24 |
Earth Matters (3:00 PM) |
Transforming The Old Into Gold
Johnson Lam, Founder, KakiDIY & KakiRepair |
22-Jul-24 |
P&L (11:00 AM) |
Recycling Capital: Why Exits Are Vital for a Startup Ecosystem
Adlin Yusman, Managing Director, Endeavor Malaysia |
11-Jul-24 |
I Love KL (9:00 PM) |
Upcycling Waste Into Fashion
Rebecca Yau, Founder, Ekha Langkawi |
09-Jul-24 |
People, Planet, Profit (9:30 AM) |
Plastic Not Fantastic: Tackling Illegal Waste Networks
Wong Si Peng, Events and Projects Officer, Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) | Wong Pui Yi, Researcher, Basel Action Network |
01-Jul-24 |
Evening Edition (5:00 PM) |
Top 5 At 5: Remembering the Late Syed Husin Ali
Juliet Chin, activist and former ISA detainee |
26-Jun-24 |
The Pulse (10:00 PM) |
By The Way: Queen's £1bil Catalogue, Labels Sue Over AI, Coldplay's Recycled Moon Music, RIP Seth Binzer
15-May-24 |
Earth Matters (3:00 PM) |
What A Waste (Problem We Have!)
Ashley Leong, Environmental Journalist, Macaranga | Wong Siew Lyn, Editor and Co-founder, Macaranga | Geetha P Kumaran, Environmental & Waste Management Consultant |
13-May-24 |
Earth Matters (3:00 PM) |
Smoke and Mirrors - The Realities of Plastic Credits and Offsetting
Emma Priestland, Global Corporate Campaigns Coordinator, Break Free From Plastic Movement |
29-Apr-24 |
Earth Matters (3:00 PM) |
How Can We End Waste Colonialism? - Part 2
Wong Pui Yi, Research Consultant, Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4 Center) and Basel Action Network | Nabila Zulkeflee, Environmental Research Officer, Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4 Center) |
24-Apr-24 |
Earth Matters (3:00 PM) |
How Can We End Waste Colonialism? - Part 1
Wong Pui Yi, Research Consultant, Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4 Center) and Basel Action Network | Nabila Zulkeflee, Environmental Research Officer, Center to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4 Center) |
01-Apr-24 |
Earth Matters (3:00 PM) |
Zero Waste = Good Taste
Bea Johnson, Founder of the Zero-Waste Lifestyle Movement | Khor Sue Yee, Co-founder and Director, Zero Waste Malaysia | Jasreel Lim, Head of Finance & Business Development, Zero Waste Malaysia |
22-Mar-24 |
Open For Business (10:00 AM) |
From Tapau Boxes to Trophies
Brandon Chong Chee Wing, Founder, Natureloop |
04-Mar-24 |
Earth Matters (3:00 PM) |
The 2023 Global Brand Audit Results - Who Are The Top Global Plastic Polluters?
Miko Alino, Project Coordinator for Corporate Accountability, Break Free From Plastic (BFFP) Movement |
A Bit of Culture
(REPEAT) Do you behave differently once you're in the airport? Kam, Dhanya and Julian talk about airport etiquette and how much they miss TV!; Kam Raslan | Dhanya Nair | Julian Yap
I Love KL
(REPEAT) The story behind Popa Nota, multidisciplinary art and all things pop-art!; David Ho, Founder, Popa Nota
Best of Enterprise
(REPEAT) Professor Bruno Verdini joins us as we explore practical frameworks and actionable strategies to overcome negotiation blind spots and the skills leaders should possess.; Professor Bruno Verdini, Executive Director of the MIT-Harvard Mexico Negotiation Programme, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Popcorn Culture
(REPEAT) A review of Squid Game S2 plus the big question - do you watch stuff because of hype?
(REPEAT) A December recap of latest news and new releases in the gaming world!; Jonathan Leo, Content Director,
BFM Music
The Pulse
(REPEAT) In today's episode of Pulse Picks, we play some personal picks released in 2024!