Date | Programmes | Podcast Title | |
05-Dec-24 |
Beyond The Ballot Box (3:00 PM) |
PROJEK30% - Why We Need More Women in Politics
Gopalan-Krishnan Papachan, Executive Director, EMPOWER | Karen Lai, Programme Director, Women’s Centre for Change |
02-Sep-24 |
Health & Living (4:00 PM) |
Women, Power and Cancer
Professor Dr Nirmala Bhoo Pathy, Professor of Epidemiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya | Professor Emeritus Dato Dr Yip Cheng Har, President, International Society of Surgery |
03-Jul-23 |
Today I Learned (2:00 PM) |
Why Intersectionality is Important
Sivananthi Thanenthiran, Executive Director, Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW) |
27-Jul-22 |
Live & Learn (2:00 PM) |
Law & Behold #46: Article 8 and Equality Before the Law
Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr Hj Shad Saleem Faruqi, Holder of the Tunku Abdul Rahman Chair, University of Malaya | Firdaus Husni, Chief Human Rights Strategist, Malaysian Centre for Constitutionalism and Human Rights (MCCHR) |
08-Mar-22 |
Morning Brief (7:45 AM) |
An All of Society Approach for Women Issues
Anis Farid, Research and Advocacy Officer, Women's Aid Organisation |
A Bit of Culture
(REPEAT) Our trio of guests discusses managing crises, algospeak, and musical biopics; Kam Raslan | Azmyl Yunor | Julian Yap
I Love KL
(REPEAT) How community library Little Giraffe Story House is reaching new heights; Lee Soon Yong, Founder, Little Giraffe Story House
Best of Enterprise
(REPEAT) Michele Kythe Lim breaks down why board seats aren't just cushy retirement gigs; Michele Kythe Lim, President & CEO, Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia (ICDM) | Tunku Alizakri, Former Chairman, Penjana Kapital
Popcorn Culture
(REPEAT) A review of Deadpool & Wolverine and a discussion on perfect cinematic matches
(REPEAT) Selangor Red Giants Co-founder Simon Lim breaks down the team's almost perfect 2024; Simon Lim, Co-Founder, Selangor Red Giants
The Pulse
(REPEAT) The Pulse rounds out 2024 with a selection of personal favourites released this year