BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 28 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
12-Dec-24 财今烤问
(6:00 PM)
04-Dec-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
Winstar Capital Berhad Winning Their Way In Aluminium
Lee Yong Zhi, Executive Director, Winstar Capital Berhad
18-Nov-24 P&L
(11:00 AM)
LEAPing to the ACE Market: Strategy, Challenges, and Gains
Tommy Lim, Managing Director and CEO, ICT Zone Asia | Alex Te, Co-Founder, Impact Advisory
11-Nov-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
Metro Healthcare Growing Foothold In Fertility Treatment
Jason Lim, Managing Director, Metro Healthcare
07-Oct-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
For SDCG, Going Green Pays Off
Edison Kong, Managing Director, Solar District Cooling Group Bhd
11-Sep-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
Steel Hawk Soaring On Debut
Dato' Sharman Kristy Michael, Founder & Executive Director, Steel Hawk Bhd
24-Jul-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
Farm Price Sprouting To Greener Heights
Lawrence Tiong Lee Chian, Managing Director, Farm Price
19-Jul-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
Synergy House: Furniture E-Commerce Retailer Turned Enabler
Tan Eu Tah, Executive Director, Synergy House
05-Jul-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
HE Group, In A Sweet Spot With Semiconductors And Datacentres
Amos Haw Chee Seng, Managing Director, HE Group Berhad
03-Jul-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
Kucingko IPO : No More Pussyfooting In The Industry
CJ See, Executive Director and Founder, Kucingko Berhad
27-May-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
KTI Landmark, Sabah Developers With Plans To Move West
Gordon Loke, Managing Director & CEO, KTI Landmark Berhad
29-Apr-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
SKL: Trucking their Way To Growth
Alan Ong, Managing Director, Sin-Kung Logistics Bhd
23-Apr-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
Unique Fire Blazing Trail In Fire Protection Industry
Ryan Liew, Executive Director, Unique Fire Holdings
20-Mar-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
Zantat: Unearthing The Calcium Carbonate Potential
Ivan Chan, Managing Director, Zantat Holdings Bhd
04-Jan-24 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
Master Tec, Profiting From Wires And Cable
Tee Kok Hwa, CEO, Master Tec Group Bhd
19-Dec-23 The Breakfast Grille
(8:00 AM)
ICT Zone Asia Bhd, Making Work Computing Affordable
Tommy Lim, CEO, ICT Zone Asia Bhd

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Listen now : The Pulse: (REPEAT) In today's episode of Pulse Picks, we play some...

Today’s Shows

11:00 AM

A Bit of Culture

(REPEAT) Do you behave differently once you're in the airport? Kam, Dhanya and Julian talk about airport etiquette and how much they miss TV!; Kam Raslan | Dhanya Nair | Julian Yap

12:00 PM

I Love KL

(REPEAT) The story behind Popa Nota, multidisciplinary art and all things pop-art!; David Ho, Founder, Popa Nota

1:00 PM

Best of Enterprise

(REPEAT) Professor Bruno Verdini joins us as we explore practical frameworks and actionable strategies to overcome negotiation blind spots and the skills leaders should possess.; Professor Bruno Verdini, Executive Director of the MIT-Harvard Mexico Negotiation Programme, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2:00 PM

Popcorn Culture

(REPEAT) A review of Squid Game S2 plus the big question - do you watch stuff because of hype?

3:00 PM


(REPEAT) A December recap of latest news and new releases in the gaming world!; Jonathan Leo, Content Director,

4:00 PM

BFM Music

6:00 PM

The Pulse

(REPEAT) In today's episode of Pulse Picks, we play some personal picks released in 2024!