BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 17 of 29 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
18-Oct-24 Front Row
(3:00 PM)
Kaleidoscope VII: Gendang Sedunia – the Hands International Drumming Festival
Bernard Goh, Founder and Artistic Director, Hands Percussion
24-Nov-23 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Bernard Goh, Founder & Artistic Director, Hands Percussion
07-Jul-23 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Bernard Goh, Founder & Artistic Director, Hands Percussion
23-Sep-22 Front Row
(2:20 PM)
Kaleidoscope VI: HANDS International Drumming Festival - “Thunder”
Bernard Goh, Founder & Artistic Director, HANDS Percussion
12-Aug-22 Front Row
(2:30 PM)
掘失 (jue shi) The Hidden Tune
Zyee Leow, Co-founder, Orang Orang Drum Theatre | Angelika Niescier, Saxophonist, Composer and Leader, Angelika Niescier Trio
12-Aug-22 Open For Business
(10:00 AM)
Drum Lessons On Demand
Rudy Malik & Intan Razak, Co-founders, Music Mountain
22-Jul-22 A Bit Of Culture
(9:00 PM)
The 4/4 Beat & Why We Need to Ban Drum Machines
Kam Raslan | Matt Armitage | Aidil Rusli
25-Mar-22 Live & Learn
(2:00 PM)
Time to R.I.S.E
Edwin Nathaniel, Musician and educator
16-Jan-20 Front Row
(3:00 PM)
On a Happy Note
Santosh Logandran, vocalist, percussionist, composer
03-Dec-19 Front Row
(3:00 PM)
When Bells Meet Buckets
Koggelavani Muniandy, co-founder, GoodKids Malaysia | Lavanya Selvaratnam, founder, LS Creation | Jeeva Gothadan, performer
01-Oct-19 Front Row
(3:00 PM)
Hand in Hand with Music
Bernard Goh, Founder and Artistic Director, HANDS Percussion Malaysia | I Wayan Sudirana, Composer and Musical Director
13-Jun-18 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Drumbeats of the Heart
Cross Chin, music and artistic director, Souls Impact Percussion | Joyce Chan, choreographer, Souls Impact Percussion
21-Sep-17 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Hands Percussion Paradise
Bernard Goh, artistic director, Hands Percussion
27-Aug-17 The Flow
(10:00 PM)
Pocketful of Nate Smith - S02E44
Othniel Ting
02-Aug-17 Front Row
(2:00 PM)
Wind of Nomads--Pooling Asian & African Percussion
Bernard Goh, artistic director, Hands Percussion | Olivier Tarpaga, founder and artistic director, Dafra Drum
22-Jul-17 Into The Blue
(9:00 PM)
#160 - feat. BFM DJs
Tim Sharp

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Listen now : Best of Enterprise: (REPEAT) Professor Bruno Verdini joins us as we explore...

Today’s Shows

11:00 AM

A Bit of Culture

(REPEAT) Do you behave differently once you're in the airport? Kam, Dhanya and Julian talk about airport etiquette and how much they miss TV!; Kam Raslan | Dhanya Nair | Julian Yap

12:00 PM

I Love KL

(REPEAT) The story behind Popa Nota, multidisciplinary art and all things pop-art!; David Ho, Founder, Popa Nota

1:00 PM

Best of Enterprise

(REPEAT) Professor Bruno Verdini joins us as we explore practical frameworks and actionable strategies to overcome negotiation blind spots and the skills leaders should possess.; Professor Bruno Verdini, Executive Director of the MIT-Harvard Mexico Negotiation Programme, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2:00 PM

Popcorn Culture

(REPEAT) A review of Squid Game S2 plus the big question - do you watch stuff because of hype?

3:00 PM


(REPEAT) A December recap of latest news and new releases in the gaming world!; Jonathan Leo, Content Director,

4:00 PM

BFM Music

6:00 PM

The Pulse

(REPEAT) In today's episode of Pulse Picks, we play some personal picks released in 2024!