BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
22-Feb-18 Night School
(9:00 PM)
You, Me and the Other
Sharaad Kuttan
23-Jul-17 TED Radio Hour
(5:00 PM)
The Unquiet Mind
Guy Raz
08-Jun-17 Night School
(8:00 PM)
Psychoanalysis India
Anurag Mishra, Psychoanalysis India | Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus
11-May-17 Night School
(8:00 PM)
Difficult Detachments
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus | Sharaad Kuttan
13-Apr-16 Night School
(9:00 PM)
Psychology as Science 101
Douglas Shang | Ahmad Fuad Rahmat
10-Feb-16 Night School
(9:00 PM)
The Symbolic, the Real and the Imaginary
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM 89.9 | Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM 89.9
02-Sep-15 Night School
(9:00 PM)
Desire, Language, Phallus
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM 89.9
24-Jun-15 Night School
(9:00 PM)
Split Mirrors
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM89.9
01-Apr-15 Night School
(9:00 PM)
It's Always Complex
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM89.9
26-Nov-14 Night School
(9:00 PM)
Zizek and His Discontents
Douglas Shang, Masters Student, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus | Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog
17-Sep-14 Night School
(9:45 PM)
Devils in Diapers
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat | Sharaad Kuttan
19-Jun-14 Night School
(5:57 PM)
Freud’s Unconscious
Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, Projek Dialog | Sharaad Kuttan, BFM89.9

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