BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results.

Social Innovation and Inclusive Education

Social Innovation and Inclusive Education

Kal Joffres, Tandemic | Zoe Gan, UNICEF | Kal Joffres, Tandemic | Zoe Gan, UNICEF

Virtual Reality in Education

Virtual Reality in Education

Kal Joffres, CEO, Tandemic | Fiza Azmi, Co-founder, Girls for Good

Rural Resilience

Rural Resilience

Kal Joffres, CEO, Tandemic | Ganesh Muren, Founder & CEO, Saora Industries

More Bang for the Buck in the Social Sector

More Bang for the Buck in the Social Sector

Kal Joffres, CEO, Tandemic | SP Nathan, Executive Director, ServeBetter

Crowdfunding Education

Crowdfunding Education

Kal Joffres, Director, Tandemic | Felix Chong, Co-founder, | Nazira Roslee, Teacher

Why Innovation Matters to Social Organizations

Why Innovation Matters to Social Organizations

Kal Joffres, Co-founder and Director, Tandemic | Irwan Abdul Rahman, Vice President of Social Innovation, Agensi Inovasi Malaysia


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