Date | Programmes | Podcast Title | |
03-Dec-24 |
开门见商 (7:05 PM) |
发芽豆奶的创业路, 品安乳坊坚守食品安全与健康理念
26-Nov-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
19-Nov-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
07-Nov-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
05-Nov-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
探索Big Tiny的生态住宅理念,小型住宅如何改变旅游业?
31-Oct-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
15-Oct-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
颠覆传统!ATAG 让你体验不一样的团建
10-Oct-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
企业继承人到创业导师: DAVID CHUA 传授企业定位秘诀!
08-Oct-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
即食面霸主 Meet Mee 化危机为转机,并成功打入穆斯林市场!
01-Oct-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
自创腌菜品牌 PICK A PICKLE,退休父母迎来事业第二春
17-Sep-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
在味道中寻找归属感:酿Niàng Republic的美食哲学
05-Sep-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
03-Sep-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
20-Aug-24 |
开门见商 (6:00 PM) |
01-Aug-24 |
开门见商 (5:00 PM) |
Agmo 携手专业会计公司,助力企业解決电子发票问题
25-Jul-24 |
开门见商 (5:00 PM) |
A Bit of Culture
(REPEAT) Our trio of guests discusses managing crises, algospeak, and musical biopics; Kam Raslan | Azmyl Yunor | Julian Yap
I Love KL
(REPEAT) How community library Little Giraffe Story House is reaching new heights; Lee Soon Yong, Founder, Little Giraffe Story House
Best of Enterprise
(REPEAT) Michele Kythe Lim breaks down why board seats aren't just cushy retirement gigs; Michele Kythe Lim, President & CEO, Institute of Corporate Directors Malaysia (ICDM) | Tunku Alizakri, Former Chairman, Penjana Kapital
Popcorn Culture
(REPEAT) A review of Deadpool & Wolverine and a discussion on perfect cinematic matches
(REPEAT) Selangor Red Giants Co-founder Simon Lim breaks down the team's almost perfect 2024; Simon Lim, Co-Founder, Selangor Red Giants
Pick Of The Pops
Patrick Teoh curates a selection of the biggest hits from the 60s to the 80s; Patrick Teoh
The Pulse
(REPEAT) The Pulse rounds out 2024 with a selection of personal favourites released this year