BFM 89.9

Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results.

Date Programmes Podcast Title  
07-Mar-24 自由時事
(12:39 PM)
电影《年少日记》导演卓亦谦专访 - 大人给青少年的压力,造成难以挽回的遗憾
17-Jan-24 自由時事
(4:45 PM)
PENDATANG是给大马人的一份礼物 族群团结是大马唯一出路?
03-Jan-24 自由時事
(4:30 PM)
李善均之死:韩国禁毒政策过于严苛 媒体不当曝光案情?
27-Dec-23 财今烤问
(4:30 PM)
富都青年探大马社会议题 导演携音乐总监揭秘幕后故事
20-Nov-23 自由時事
(4:27 PM)
好莱坞结束罢工 演员和制片厂达成空前协议
17-Nov-23 开门见商
(7:28 AM)
Kokorone音疗服务 解决当代人的失眠问题
10-Nov-23 自由時事
(4:00 PM)
易桀齐阔别已久回归大舞台 演唱跨越四个年代的金曲
26-Jun-23 开门见商
(10:00 AM)
02-Feb-23 开门见商
(10:00 AM)
【开门新趋势】癸卯兔年贺岁电影的旺旺效益 影后与名导谈马新影视圈互动 (下)
19-Jan-23 开门见商
(10:00 AM)
【开门新趋势】癸卯兔年贺岁电影的旺旺效益 影后与名导谈马新影视圈互动 (上)

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Listen now : Best of Enterprise: (REPEAT) Professor Bruno Verdini joins us as we explore...

Today’s Shows

11:00 AM

A Bit of Culture

(REPEAT) Do you behave differently once you're in the airport? Kam, Dhanya and Julian talk about airport etiquette and how much they miss TV!; Kam Raslan | Dhanya Nair | Julian Yap

12:00 PM

I Love KL

(REPEAT) The story behind Popa Nota, multidisciplinary art and all things pop-art!; David Ho, Founder, Popa Nota

1:00 PM

Best of Enterprise

(REPEAT) Professor Bruno Verdini joins us as we explore practical frameworks and actionable strategies to overcome negotiation blind spots and the skills leaders should possess.; Professor Bruno Verdini, Executive Director of the MIT-Harvard Mexico Negotiation Programme, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2:00 PM

Popcorn Culture

(REPEAT) A review of Squid Game S2 plus the big question - do you watch stuff because of hype?

3:00 PM


(REPEAT) A December recap of latest news and new releases in the gaming world!; Jonathan Leo, Content Director,

4:00 PM

BFM Music

6:00 PM

The Pulse

(REPEAT) In today's episode of Pulse Picks, we play some personal picks released in 2024!