All Blue Skies for the M'sian Economy?
The Morning Run Crew
22-May-17 08:47
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The Morning Run crew gives you their take on today's business headlines:
1:54 - Malaysia records 5.6% GDP growth for 1Q17
8:06 - Headwinds in the manufacturing sector
9:01 - Perodua MyVi production set to hit 1 million units this month
9:38 - Unemployment rate lower at 3.4% in March
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Tags: GDP growth, domestic demand, agriculture, jobless growth, wages, unemployment, mining, construction, services and manufacturing, BNM, Bank Negara Malaysia, Suhaimi Ilias, MIB, Maybank Investment Bank, China, US, North Korea, geopolitical risk, central banks, Perodua MyVi, workforce