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SUHAKAM: Halt Regressive Citizenship Proposals

Dr Farah Nini Dusuki, Children’s Commissioner, SUHAKAM

23-Feb-24 08:30

SUHAKAM: Halt Regressive Citizenship Proposals

The government is expected to table a raft of amendments to the constitution on the issue of citizenship, which civil society and human rights observers criticise will exacerbate the issue of statelessness in the country. We speak to Dr. Farah Nini Dusuki, Children's Commissioner of SUHAKAM about the implications of these proposals for vulnerable groups such as foundlings and abandoned children.

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Produced by: Shazana Mokhtar, Shee Yi Rong, Irfan Mansor

Presented by: Shazana Mokhtar, Wong Shou Ning, Keith Kam

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Categories:  governmentcontroversiesLaw/Activism

Tags:  citizenship amendmentschildren statelessness

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