Ew, This Show Is So Disgusting
Paul Rozin, Psychologist
23-Aug-16 14:35
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We understand so little about what prompts disgust, yet we absolutely know it when we see it. Bee Wilson’s article This Article Will Make You Want to Wash Your Hands makes a strong argument for disgust being employed in the name of public health. If you knew that there was faecal bacteria on your hands after using the toilet, would you be more inclined to wash your hands? And how do you prevent disgust from backfiring - making obesity disgusting, but not the obese? Paul Rozin, a psychologist cited in the article, who’s done extensive work in the field of disgust, weighs in.
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Tags: too long; should read, too long, toolong, longreads, disgust, hygiene, public health, psychology, hand washing, obesity, smoking