Empowering Underprivileged Children with IDEAS
Sally Hirsch, General Manager, IDEAS Academy | Metilda Stellus, Senior Teacher, IDEAS Academy
24-Jul-19 15:00
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Malaysia has one of the largest refugee populations in Southeast Asia and among them, are children who are often deprived of a formal education - this is the same for those who are stateless and undocumented as well. But one organization that is looking to help these group of children overcome that is IDEAS Academy. Sally Hirsch, the General Manager of IDEAS Academy along with Metilda Stellus, a senior teacher, is here to tell us more about what they do and how they are using education to empower these children to have a voice.
Produced by: Kelly Anissa
Presented by: Kelly Anissa
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Categories: Education
Tags: Bigger Picture, Live and Learn, underprivileged children, children, education, formal education, IDEAS Academy, refugee, ,