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Do We Have Different Standards for Female and Male Leaders?

Emellia Shariff, Managing Partner, Speak Up Malaysia

23-Aug-22 14:00

Do We Have Different Standards for Female and Male Leaders?

Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin, currently the world’s youngest sitting prime minister at 36, recently made headlines after videos emerged of her dancing at two separate private parties, leading some to question her judgement and capacity as prime minister. The videos simply showed a young woman enjoying herself and some time off work - nothing illegal was shown in the videos. So it begs the question: why is she required to justify her own social life? Do we hold young, female leaders to different standards compared to male leaders, including here in Malaysia? We discuss with Emellia Shariff, Managing Partner, Speak Up Malaysia. 

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons / Kosti Keistinen

Produced by: Lim Sue Ann

Presented by: Lim Sue Ann

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Categories:  politicsinternationalcorruptioncontroversies

Tags:  gender equalityparliamentsexismmisogynyboris johnson

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