Common Concerns #3: Sleep and Static
Tee Shiao Eek | Tina Carmillia
20-Aug-18 16:35
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In our callers’ segment, we address some of your most pressing health concerns with some help from the experts. No case is too trivial. This week, we find out why do some people have a lot of static electricity (and how do you get rid of them) and what’s the magic number when it comes to how long a power nap should be? Is it 20 minutes, 10 minutes or 6 minutes?
Produced by: Tee Shiao Eek and Tina Carmillia
Presented by: Tee Shiao Eek and Tina Carmillia
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Categories: Health Policy, Diseases and Conditions, Mental Health, Healthy Living, Fitness, Science, Medical Innovation and Technology
Tags: sleep, nap, power nap, static, Common concerns, health and living, The Bigger Picture,