World Coral Triangle Day 2013
Chitra Devi, WWF-Malaysia | Carol Phua, WWF-Malaysia | Bobby Chinn
07-Jun-13 14:00
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Referred to as the underwater equivalent of the Amazon, The Coral Triangle is a fertile bioregion which harbours more species than any other marine environment on the planet.
Overfishing and destructive fishing are among the critical problems facing the Coral Triangle. and
In conjunction with Coral Triangle Day 2013, WWF-Malaysia's Senior Programme Officer on Fisheries, Chitra Devi and WWF-Malaysia's Head of Marine Conservation, Carol Phua, discuss the growing needs of the region and the efforts needed to preserve the future of the Coral Triangle.
Celebrity chef Bobby Chinn, who is teaming up with the WWF to promote conservation of the Coral Triangle and responsibly-caught seafood, joins us also to discuss his career and explains why he is lending his voice to support the preservation of the Coral Triangle.
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Tags: wwf, coral triangle, bobby chinn