BFM 89.9

Podcast  >  Bigger Picture  >  Earth Matters  >  Become a Wira Zero Waste (W0W)

Become a Wira Zero Waste (W0W)

Sue Yee Khor, Co-founder and Director, Zero Waste Malaysia | Marylyn Poh, Head of Outreach and Engage, Zero Waste Malaysia

13-Jul-20 15:00

Become a Wira Zero Waste (W0W)

Zero Waste Malaysia have been working hard to create awareness on the zero waste lifestyle, which essentially wants people to shift from the take-make-dispose culture, and move towards practicing  environmentally-responsible habits. They have shared the zero-waste gospel to many Malaysians, and the latest feather to their cap is the launching of a Lesson Plan and virtual classroom which will educate youths on sustainability, and hopefully kick start them on their zero waste journey. We find out more about this from Sue Yee Khor, who is the Co-founder and Director of Zero Waste Malaysia, and Marylyn Poh, who is the organisation's Head of Outreach and Engage.

Image Source: Zero Waste Malaysia 

Produced by: Juliet Jacobs

Presented by: Juliet Jacobs

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Categories:  EducationEnvironmentSciencePersonal Development

Tags:  The Bigger PictureEarth Matterszero wasteZero Waste MalaysiaSustainabilitythrow-away culture5R’sRefuseReduceReuseRecycleRot

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